
Having recently turned 30, I came across this article about the 13 money lies you should stop telling yourself by 30. Naturally, the article piqued my interest. These are the 13 questions that it tackles, so rather than copy and paste, I just thought I’d share. Some good insight and life lessons to be learned.


1. So long as my job pays well, it’s OK if I hate it.

2. If I turn a blind eye, somehow my finances will figure themselves out.

3. I should get married because it’s the ‘next step.’

4. Banks and bill collectors will get their way no matter what I do.

5. I should buy a home because that’s what grown-ups do.

6. If I start dipping into my savings now, I’ll have plenty of time to make up for it later.

7. I’m too inexperienced to start investing.

8. I’m a failure because I’m not getting paid as much as other people my age.

9. I can still afford to eat like I’m 16.

10. I can still pull off the outfits I wore in college.

11. If I get approved for new credit, obviously I can handle it.

12. I should have kids now because I want them.

13. I’m pretty much invincible.



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Heart of the Matter

I just finished the fifth of the Emily Giffin book series, Heart of the Matter, and like the others I couldn’t put it down. The other thing this book has in common with the others are little nuggets that I find interesting, compelling or thought-provoking.

The book series seems to focus on relationships and the ebbs and flows that occur in our lives.

The books are entertaining, easy reads, but still if one can glean little nuggets from fiction stories that can apply in the real world, than a-okay.


I think of how each person in a marriage owes it to the other to find individual happiness, even in a shared life. That this is the only real way to grow together, instead of apart.”


Heart of the Matter book cover

Heart of the Matter book cover

It’s funny how as you get older, you learn how important knowing yourself is. I believe it’s important to find your own happiness, find the person that accepts you for who you are including your individual happiness, and then bring that happiness into the relationship. I appreciate how this book says it eloquently. Something I plan to remember.


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Another funny for the week. This one courtesy of DollarShaveClub.com. Hope it gives you a big laugh, just as it did me.

Happy Friday!





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We Need a Pep Talk

You may have seen this online, but it’s too good not to post, in the chance that you haven’t gotten a pep talk yet.

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Monday Funny

It’s Monday. The start of a new week. So naturally, let’s begin with a chuckle.


Live and Laugh

Live and Laugh


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Finished another of the Emily Giffin book series titled, “Love The One You’re With.” It’s easy reading, but I appreciated the last few sentences of the book about love. This Thursday is Valentine’s Day — one of the top commercial holidays — but a reminder to express your love to those closest to you. Hope it’s a day we all take to not only appreciate those around us, but to give ourselves some much needed love, appreciation, and ‘me’ time!

Just as I decided never to confess…how close I came to losing everything. Instead, I hold that day deep within myself, as a reminder that love is the sum of our choices, the strength of our commitments, the ties that bind us together.”

I want to underline the point that struck true for me:

Love is

the sum of our choices,

the strength of our commitments,

the ties that bind us together.”



Denver Sunrise (photo is my own)

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I love TED and the many speakers they bring in to discuss various topics.

This one is from General Colin Powell and it’s about how structure helps kids grow up smarter and become their best.

Kids need the gift of a good start…They need to be a part of a tribe, community, family…There are kids that can make it, if you give them structure…All of us have to have a commitment to do that…We have to invest in our future.”

Some good insight from General Powell and worth the watch.

Always be looking for that which you do well and that which you love doing, and when you find those two things together — man, you got it.”

Thanks for the perspective and good advice. What do you think? Do kids need structure?

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Before the end of 2012, I was lucky enough to have a work trip in New York City. This time in the city was almost exactly 12 years after my first trip there, December 2000. Getting to see the city again in December 2012 was a nice treat. But it’s a city that can speak for itself, so here you go…

A little hot chocolate explorin' at some cafes

A little hot chocolate explorin’ at some cafes

Some were fancier than others - but just as yummy

Some were fancier than others – but just as yummy

Loved sightseeing and landmark enjoying...

Loved sightseeing and landmark enjoying…

Empire State Building and original Shake Shack (with most amazing burgers)

Empire State Building and original Shake Shack (with most amazing burgers)!

Times Square and the ball that will ring in the New Year

Times Square and the ball that will ring in the New Year

The Wall Street bull

The Wall Street bull

The one and only Statue of Liberty

The one and only Statue of Liberty

The Freedom Tower

The Freedom Tower

9/11 Memorial Site

9/11 Memorial Site

Enjoying a Gingerbread cupcake from Magnolia Bakery

Enjoying a Gingerbread cupcake from Magnolia Bakery

One of the best parts about NYC are the store window displays...out of this world!

One of the best parts about NYC are the store window displays…out of this world!

Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center

Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center

Some call it Union Station, apparently it's now called Union Center. Either way, it's beautiful and makes public transportation quite the experience.

Some call it Union Station, apparently it’s now called Union Center. Either way, it’s beautiful and makes public transportation quite the experience.

To finish off the trip, milk and cookies in honor of St. Nick. May the Christmas spirit stay with us all year round!

To finish off the trip, milk and cookies in honor of St. Nick. May the Christmas spirit stay with us all year round!

Do you have any favorite memories visiting New York City? Anything I should be sure to do for my next visit, whenever that is?

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One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to finish reading a couple book series. One of these series is written by Emily Giffin. She’s the author behind a five book series that all got started with “Something Borrowed,” made into a film with Kate Hudson and Ginnifer Goodwin. The third novel in the series is “Baby Proof.”


It’s one of those tales that makes you realize how true love can defeat anything. Not right away maybe, but it usually wins out in challenging, difficult situations eventually. It doesn’t necessarily makes sense, but like the age-old saying, “if it’s meant to be, it will be.”


Without realizing that I was getting this type of true love reinforcement throughout the book, only until the end did it click for me and made me reflect back on my own love life. So without giving away the ending, here are some of the moments in the book that now looking back strike me as hitting the nail right on the ‘love’ head.

I shake my head and say, “I can’t have a baby just to get Ben back.”

“Well then,” he says slowly. “I guess he’s not your soul mate…So that should be a consolation when you’re looking up their future marathon results.”

“Why do you say that?” I ask, feeling oddly defensive. As much as I want to feel okay about Ben in the present, I don’t like the implication that what we had wasn’t, at one time, the real thing.

“Well, because,” Ethan says, “you’d do anything to get a soul mate back, right?…I mean, that’s the nature of soul mates. You know, Romeo and Juliet swallowed poison to be together…So if Ben were really the one for you, don’t you think you’d go ahead and have his baby?”

Excellent point.

Essentially, he was just saying what we’ve all heard a million times — love conquers all.

The most basic, yet often forgotten, principle.

“I realized, almost in an instant, that I no longer bought all the propaganda about relationships ending because of bad timing and incompatibility and outside influences, like wanting or not wanting a baby. A baby is huge — it doesn’t get much bigger than that — but so is religion and age and geography and being married to other people and feuding houses and so many other seemingly insurmountable factors that couple encounter and defeat when love is true.” …

But more likely it’s because she’s finally in the kind of sincere relationship where you follow your own gut about things rather than polling your friends at every turn.

A friend once asked me why I don’t ever vent about my boyfriend with our girlfriends. Without ever thinking about it before, I told her that if there’s something that bothers me, I just talk to him about it. It doesn’t make me feel better to talk about it with friends. The other thing is that I’ve known my boyfriend longer than the majority of my friends, so I can talk to him as my boyfriend and best friend.

We will likely be asked to tell it again tonight. I’m sure we will roll our eyes and say, “Again?” while secretly relishing every part of the story — our story… Perhaps I will imbue it with the literary significance that was never lost on me: There we were in O. Henry’s booth, playing out our own version of the “Gift of the Magi.” Each of us willing to give up something for the other, for love.

Having met my soul mate so young in life, our love has often been questioned, misunderstood, not taken as seriously in the eyes of others. For the longest time, that bothered me. A few years ago, having our own time apart, nothing was more clear to me that our love was worth it. That confidence, in knowing, is all I needed to no longer care what others say or think. We’re building our story our way, and there’s something pretty cool about that.

Have you learned any lessons in love and relationships?

 Baby Proof

The GIft of the Magi

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Mitt Romney Style

I don’t care what political party you side with, you should be able to appreciate a funny video regardless. So here’s my warning, if you can’t put aside your personal opinions on political chess players, then probably skip this one.

However, if you’re up for a laugh because of the amazing innovation and creativity, you simply must give it up to college humor and this well done video on ‘Mitt Romney Style.’ (Oh, and yes it’s a spawn of Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style.’)

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P.S. – If you’re saying to yourself, wow Meredith the election is WAY over. Don’t worry, I realize this. But something’s are still too funny not to share even if they’re less timely.